
Hi there!

I’m marta estadella colomé, a Sculpture Conservator specialising in gilded and polychromed wood.

I am especially interested in the stratigraphical study of polychromy on sculptures, the structural support conservation of wooden objects as well as in cleaning methodologies. I have broad experience in the elaboration of digital drawings and diagrams for conservation documentation: technique, polychromy reconstruction and conservation assessment. More on my path here.

I really love sharing resources as well as giving back to the community by helping other conservators with professional mentorship (something that I really-really wish existed many years ago):
Mentorship Zoom sessions (as well as Pro Bono ones)
this free newsletter!1

Previously, I published all my love for polychrome wooden sculpture in another 1-year project newsletter.

I am a member of the FFCR and AEAE. Former ICOM-CC Sculpture, Polychromy and Architectural Decorations Working Group Assistant Coordinator.

📩 //

P.S. For work enquiries or Zoom sessions, email me. Also, don’t be shy. You can always email just to say hi! it is also nice to meet other colleagues and future ones ;)


Authors of guest posts

Clara Nabet // Newsletter 8

Clara is a French painting conservation student at the Sorbonne (Paris, France) currently doing her Master’s. She’s deeply interested in art conservation advocacy through Social Media and currently takes care of the Social Media and Communication of Sorbonne’s CR students association Icosaèdre. She is most active on Instagram, where she shares her daily life as a conservation student. Check her post:

The newsletter: Feedback for Conservators #8: A FREE digital tool for art conservators: iArtbook®


Elisa Baronti Marchió // Newsletter 11

Elisa is a paintings conservator trained at the Opificio delle Pietre Dure (Florence, Italy), where she graduated Cum Laude with a Master's thesis on a complex cleaning treatment. Furthermore, she also holds a Bachelor’s in Art History (also Cum Laude). After completing a fellowship at the Museo Nacional del Prado she is currently completing her Master in Art History while she works as a private conservator in Spain. You can follow her here. Check her post:

— The newsletter: Feedback for Conservators #11: The personal interview: 7 TIPS on how to nail it


Social Media difussion

Maria Vicente is a paintings conservator graduate from the Superior School of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage (Madrid, Spain). She has always had a deep interest in working on international projects within the roles of management and preliminary research technical study for the conservation project conception. After working in countries such as Spain, the Netherlands, and Australia; she is currently studying her second Master's in Archaeometry and Materials Science at ARCHMAT.



For anyone wondering: the newsletter FFC is written and edited by me and eventual guest writers (in all cases pro-bono work).